Digital Session: Resilient Economy Through State-of-the-Art Cyber Security
23.01.2025, 10:30-11:30h
Aktuelle globale Krisen verdeutlichen erneut, dass internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eine resiliente Notfallstrategie erfordert. Mit dieser Veranstaltung legt die Handelskammer Hamburg den Fokus auf das Kernthema Resilienz, insbesondere im Bereich der Cybersicherheit. Der fortschreitende digitale Wandel erhöht die Gefahr von Cyberangriffen, wie viele Unternehmen bereits schmerzlich erfahren mussten. Cyberkriminalität stellt daher nicht nur für Sicherheitsbehörden ein Dauerthema dar, sondern ist auch eine erhebliche Herausforderung für die Wirtschaft. Um rechtliche, operative und finanzielle Schäden zu vermeiden, sind präventive Schutzmaßnahmen unerlässlich.
Die Veranstaltung blickt im Rahmen unseres Techscouting-Projekts nach Israel. Dieses zielt darauf ab, innovative digitale Lösungen aus Israel ganz konkret für Hamburger Unternehmen nutzbar zu machen. Das Land ist Vorreiter im Bereich der Cybersicherheit, daher stellen neben einem Erfahrungsbericht eines Hamburger Unternehmens israelische Expertinnen und Experten beim Webinar die größten Cyberrisiken und neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen durch vielversprechende Startups vor.
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.
Current global crises once again highlight that international competitiveness requires a resilient emergency strategy. With this event, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce focuses on the core topic of resilience, particularly in cybersecurity. The ongoing digital transformation increases the risk of cyberattacks, as many companies have already painfully experienced. Cybercrime is therefore not only a constant issue for security authorities but also a significant challenge for the economy. Preventive protective measures are essential to avoid legal, operational, and financial damages.
As part of our techscouting project, the event looks to Israel. This project aims to make innovative digital solutions from Israel concretely usable for Hamburg companies. The country is a pioneer in the field of cybersecurity; therefore, in addition to a report from a Hamburg company, Israeli experts will present the biggest cyber risks and the latest technological developments from promising startups during the webinar.
The event will be held in English.
Katharina Thomsen, Director of Technology, Knowledge and IT Department, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Experience from a Hamburg company as an experience report
Thomas Ulrich, CCO/Director Customer Success Management, DextraData GmbH, Essen/Hamburg
Pitches from 2 Israeli tech startups
Ilan Barda, CEO, Radiflow
Ilan Barda is a Security and Telecom executive with 20 years of leadership experience. Relentlessly pursuing a goal of addressing the emerging need for cybersecurity in industrial networks, Ilan has built Radiflow into a global OT security leader. Under Ilan’s leadership, the company delivers solutions that plan and optimize cybersecurity and risk management programs for critical infrastructure operators and industrial automation networks.
Shay Pinsker, COO, OP Innovate
Shay Pinsker is a cybersecurity defense and attack expert with over seven years of experience in the fields of Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Penetration Testing (PT), and CISO services. During his presentation, he will discuss the importance of penetration testing (PT) and Attack Surface Management (ASM) as proactive approaches to preventing cyber crises and enhancing organizational security resilience.
Open Discussion
Wrap up/End
Moderation: Charme Rykower, Deputy Managing Director, German-Israeli Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Katharina Thomsen
Director of Technology, Knowledge and IT Department @ Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Foto: HK Hamburg
Ilan Barda
CEO @ Radiflow
Foto: Radiflow
Shay Pinsker
COO @ OP Innovate
Foto: OP Innovate
Charme Rykower
Deputy Managing Director @ German-Israeli Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Thomas Ulrich
Chief Customer Success Officer @ DextraData GmbH
Foto: Marco-Wehler
Hannah Frank
+49 40 36 138 975
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