
New Routes, New Markets: Global Gateway and Potential Markets along the ‘Middle Corridor’ 

20.02.2025, 09:30-14:00h


Die Veranstaltung beleuchtet die Entwicklung und Potenziale der sich stark entwickelnden Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR, kurz “middle corridor“), die China über die zentralasiatischen Länder, den Kaukasus und die Türkei mit Europa verbindet, sowie die Rolle der EU und internationaler Investitionen in diesem Kontext. Ziel ist es, neue Marktzugänge und Geschäftsmodelle entlang der Route aufzuzeigen.  

Expertenvorträge und Diskussionsrunden widmen sich Themen wie Infrastrukturentwicklung, Logistik und Finanzierung, um Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige und effiziente Nutzung dieser Route aufzuzeigen. Zudem nehmen mehrere Minister und Delegationen aus der Region an der englischsprachigen Veranstaltung teil. Ausgewählte Informationen und Artikelsammlungen zu den Themen der Konferenz stellt Ihnen Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI) bereits vorab hier zur Verfügung.


09.00 h
09.30 h

Opening and Welcome Remarks

•    Stephan Schnabel, Vice President, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
•    Liv Assmann, State Councillor and Plenipotentiary of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to the Federal Government,
     the European Union and for Foreign Affairs
•    Prof. Dr. Peer Witten, Member of the Executive Committee, German Eastern Business Association

09.45 h
Actual Status, Potential and EU Engagement on the Middle Corridor
 09.45 h

 Status of the Middle Corridor Development 2024 - Activities of the bordering countries and harmonization of processes

•    S.E. Nasimi Aghayev, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Germany

10.00 h

Global Gateway – EU Action to Support the Development of the Middle Corridor

•    Peteris Ustubs, Director for the Middle East, Asia and Pacific Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG IntPa), EU Commission

10.15 h

Presentation of the World Bank Study “Middle Trade and Transport Corridor - Policies and investments to triple freight volumes and half travel time by 2030”

•    Murad Gürmeriç, Senior Transport Engineer, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank

10.30 h

Minister Panel

  • Absattar Syrgabaev, Minister of Transport and Communications, Kyrgyzstan
  • Vahan Kostanyan, Deputy Foreign Minister, Armenia
  • Satzhan Ablaliev, Vize Minister of Transport, Kazakhstan

Moderation: Michael Harms, Executive Director, German Eastern Business Association 

11.30 h
Coffee Break
12.00 h

Panel Discussion ‚Port and Logistics‘

•    Dr. Taleh Ziyadov, CEO, Port of Baku
•    Friedrich Stuhrmann, CCO, HPA Hamburg Port Authority
•    Ainur Dingalieva, Leading specialist of the transportation logistics department, Port Aktau 
•    Boris Balev, CEO, BMF Port Burgas AD

Moderation: Frank Busse, Partner, Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH

13.00 h

Panel Discussion ‘Infrastructure Development: Projects and Financing’

•    Bekzad Kholmatov, Director of the Research Center for Transport and Logistics Development, Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan
•    Thomas Baum, Head of Division Underwriting & Risk Management, Euler Hermes AG
•    Ekaterina Galitsyna, Director, Head of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus, KfW IPEX Bank GmbH
•    Wolfgang Meier, President/CEO, Silk Way West Airlines
•    Stephanie Meier-Sydow, Director Sales CIS Countries and Turkey, Jebsen & Jessen Industrial Solutions GmbH

Moderation: Heinrich Kerstgens, Corporate Representative, Director Board Pro-jects, Rhenus Logistics

From 14.00 h
Get-together und Lunch


Die Registrierung ist bereits geschlossen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse!


Stephan Schnabel
Stephan Schnabel
Vice President @ Hamburg Chamber of Commerce


Liv Assmann
Liv Assmann
State Councillor and Plenipotentiary @ Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to the Federal Government, the European Union and for Foreign Affairs

Foto: Senatskanzlei

Prof. Dr. Peer Witten
Prof. Dr. Peer Witten
Member of the Executive Committee @ German Eastern Business Association

Foto: OA

S.E. Nasimi Aghayev
S.E. Nasimi Aghayev
Ambassador of the Republik of Azerbaijan to Germany @ Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Foto: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Peteris Ustubs
Peteris Ustubs
Director for the Middle East, Asia and Pacific Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG IntPa) @ EU Commission

Foto: EC

Murad Gürmeriç
Murad Gürmeriç
Senior Transport Engineer, Europe and Central Asia @ World Bank
Absattar Syrgabaev
Absattar Syrgabaev
Minister of Transport and Communications @ Kyrgyz Republic

Foto: Transportministerium Kirgistan

Vahan Kostanyan
Vahan Kostanyan
Deputy Foreign Minister @ Republic of Armenia

Foto: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia

Michael Harms
Michael Harms
Executive Director @ German Eastern Business Association

Foto: OA, Thomas Rafalzyk

Friedrich Stuhrmann
Friedrich Stuhrmann
CCO @ HPA Hamburg Port Authority

Foto: HPA

Dr. Taleh Ziyadov
Dr. Taleh Ziyadov
CEO @ Port of Baku

Foto: Port of Baku

Ainur Dingalieva
Ainur Dingalieva
Leading specialist of the transportation logistics department @ Aktau Port
Boris Balev
Boris Balev
CEO @ BMF Port Burgas AD

Foto: BMF Port Burgas AD

Frank Busse
Frank Busse
Partner @ Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH

Foto: HPC

Thomas Baum
Thomas Baum
Head of Division Underwriting & Risk Management @ Euler Hermes AG

Foto: EH

Bekzad Kholmatov
Bekzad Kholmatov
Director of the Research Center for Transport and Logistics Development @ Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan
Ekaterina Galitsyna
Ekaterina Galitsyna
Director, Head of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus @ KfW IPEX Bank GmbH

Foto: Ekaterina Galytsina

Wolfgang Meier
Wolfgang Meier
President/CEO @ Silk Way West Airlines

Foto: Silk Way West Airlines

Stephanie Meier-Sydow
Stephanie Meier-Sydow
Director Sales CIS Countries and Turkey @ Jebsen & Jessen Industrial Solutions GmbH

Foto: Stephanie Meier-Sydow

Heinrich Kerstgens
Heinrich Kerstgens
Corporate Representative, Director Board Pro-jects @ Rhenus Logistics

Foto: Rhenus Group




Hannah Frank
+49 40 36 138 975

Laura-Marie Estermann
+49 40 36 138 287


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